Loma Vista Farm’s School Lunch Garden Program

harvesting carrotsLoma Vista Farm’s School Lunch Garden program and the Vallejo City Unified School District are collaborating to bring healthful choices to our students.

According to Farmer Rita, “Loma Vista Farm is growing fresh, organic fruits and vegetables for Vallejo City Unified School District students. We are providing fresh salad ingredients and pizza toppings such as spinach, basil, squash, peppers, and tomatoes.

“The excitement is growing to improve the health of our students.”


Shelee Loughmiller ( Friends of Loma Vista Farm president) said, “Of course, none of this would be possible without the AWESOME volunteers who have worked a ton of hours to get this project up and running.”

school lunch harvestWe need more volunteers to keep this valuable program working. If you want to join our volunteer “School Lunch Garden” team—no matter what your experience/expertise is—and help to make a difference in the health of our students, please contact Shelee at 1-707-812-0546.