Loma Vista Farm

Loma Vista Farm Vallejo header


Loma Vista Farm provides school children with experiential learning opportunities that bolster their academic skills in a farm-based setting. The Farm is a five-acre outdoor classroom that provides hands-on educational activities involving plants and animals for children of all ages and abilities. We seek to increase students’ knowledge of nature and nutrition while enhancing academic learning, ecoliteracy, and psychosocial development.


This part of the site is where kids and adults can meet Loma Vista Farm’s animal friends, download and color a Farm scene, and find some interesting links on your right.

Loma Vista Farm catIn addition, we invite you to meet the farm animals that make up the residence and educational pool at Loma Vista Farm. Our wonderful diversity of farm animals include a horse, pony, a cat named T’Challa, sheep, pigs, cows, goats, rabbits, and poultry. Loma Vista Farm has many farm buildings that our animals call their homes.

If you would like to contribute to the care of our animals you can donate here:

Support The Farm


