Happy Birthday Lucy!
We are happy to say Lucy celebrated her 4th birthday May 16th! Lucy, one of the animals attacked on February 8, 2019 by several vicious dogs was seriously injured and…
We are happy to say Lucy celebrated her 4th birthday May 16th! Lucy, one of the animals attacked on February 8, 2019 by several vicious dogs was seriously injured and…
And the building goes up May 16, 2021Thank you volunteers! What a Great Day!The pictures in this post are of the Union volunteers from Ironworkers Union Local 378, and Ironworkers…
report by Farmer Rita - from Facebook- June 15, 2020 We are so excited about our new addition at the farm. The white peacock (technically peahen) used to live in…
This article was in the Community section of the Times-Herald on Sunday, October 13, 2019. The story and photos are by Richard Freedman rfreedman@timesheraldonline.com @richfreedmanvth on Twitter Lea Sorrentino didn't…
Loma Vista Farm's new kids on the block The below article and photographs are from the Times-Herald, September 19, 2019. The article was written by Richard Freedman. rfreedman@timesheraldonline.com @richfreedmanvth on…