Thank you for making a difference at the Farm

CleanupFarm Work DayHome PageNews From the FarmThank youVolunteer day,  January 26, 2021

Noah Cornier makes a difference at Loma Vista Farm!

From Jennifer Shinar, (Friends of Loma Vista Farm Events Chair)

I wanted to share this wonderful, heartwarming story.  This is a photo I took of Koah Cormier (5yrs old) and Connie (Klimisch) at the Spring Open house on Saturday (April 23rd) of Koah gifting FLVF (Friends of Loma Vista Farm) with a $100 donation of rolled coins.  He’s been collecting change and putting it in a bucket over the last year.  He is a regular visitor to the farm where he can be seen picking up trash and visiting his favorite goat, Rocky.   I think this is a wonderful opportunity to share this story to show how such a small action by such a small person can make sure a huge difference.

Dear Valued Volunteer:
Simply amazing!  Another wonderful and even larger turnout on Saturday, April 9th. Many thanks for continuing to take time out of your personal life to help support and perform

maintenance on the Farm.   Even though there were more difficult and challenging tasks on the “to do” list than ever before, you managed to complete those tasks and still practically check off all the other “to do” items by end of the workday.   That’s awesome!

While I express gratitude to all volunteers who were able to join us on Saturday, I would like to send special thanks to the Leo Club (Vallejo High School), the Cal Maritime cadets and the Daisy Girl Scouts of Northern California, for exceptionally good work.

The Farm is looking GREAT!

Please keep the Farm in mind during the next planned cleanup day that is scheduled to take place on August 6, 2022.   You will receive an email covering the details. Until then,

Stay safe and healthy
Thank you!
Sandra Choyce
FLVF Volunteer Coordinator
Photos by Sandra Choyce
video by Birgit Ritckert


Thank you volunteers! What a Great Day!
The pictures in this post are of the Union volunteers from Ironworkers Union Local 378, and Ironworkers Union Local 377 from Solano, Napa, and Contra Costa Counties who volunteered to build the alpaca/sheep barn for Loma Vista Farm.

Thank you again for ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

Follow the progress they made through the pictures below.

We appreciate all the hard work they did! Again, thank you so much.

Photos by Greg Cox and John Muras

Thank you Valero on Earth Day!

From Facebook, April 22
“We’re grateful to these wonderful employees from Valero for coming to the Farm to do an Earth Day cleanup.  Happy Earth Day, everyone!”

March 20, 2021

We would like to thank all our volunteers who came to the Clean Up Day last Saturday, March 20th. According to Greg we had about 27 people come out to help.
Again, thanks to you-A lot was accomplished!

Below you will see how much YOU helped Loma Vista Farm, SATURDAY MARCH 20!