
Sharyl Brayton’s grandsons cleaning the perimeter of the Farm


This is your opportunity to join the many volunteers who work hard to support Loma Vista Farm. Loma Vista Farm is looking for dedicated and hard-working volunteers to help us with our fund-raising events. We’re looking for additional members to join our “Events Committee” team. This committee of community members is responsible for coordinating fund-raising events throughout the year that raise the money needed to fund Loma Vista Farm.  If you have an interest, have the time and energy, or if you have experience in event planning, we welcome your involvement and support.

Volunteer Opportunities Abound

  • Care for Animals—year-round: Volunteers are needed to provide loving care for the many farm animals.
  • Care for Plants—year-round: Volunteers are needed to grow plants for education, nutrition, and sales.
  • Help with Field Trips—spring and fall: Volunteers are needed to help groups interact with plants and animals.
  • Building Maintenance/Construction—as needed: Volunteers are needed to repair or replace structures.
  • Help with Events—as needed: Volunteers are needed to help with special events, like the recent Harvest Festival.
  • Grant Proposal Writing/Fund-Raising—year-round: Volunteers are needed to help with financial sustainability of the program.
  • Artistic Sign Making—as needed: Volunteers are needed to make signs to inform and educate the public.

Choose any volunteer opportunity you would enjoy. Volunteer times are on a flexible schedule, and experience is not required but is helpful. You can volunteer according to your schedule, for example, once a week, once a month, or on an occasional basis. Helping with plants, animals, or field trips is during the weekdays. Occasional volunteer opportunities for plant and animal care are available on Saturdays.

Adult volunteers are especially needed.

A volunteer must be at least 14 years old to volunteer independently. Children under 14 may volunteer with a parent.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sandra at , Rita LeRoy at 1-707-556-8765 or contact us using the form below. Don’t forget to let us know the volunteer area you would like more information about.

8 questions on “Volunteer


    I am interested in volunteering to help at the farm. Preferably under the ‘care for animals’ category, but I could also be useful helping with maintenance.
    Please let me know what is available, I live in Glen Cove, and could volunteer 3 or 4 hours a week.
    I am a healthy 74 yr old who loves animals. I came out to your farm last week, with my Wife, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Jill Myers is a friend and neighbor of ours and volunteers there regularly, she’s the one who told us about Loma Vista.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Best wishes, Paul Seaward.

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Paul:
      Glad to hear from you. I will send your request on to Farmer Rita. She will contact our volunteer coordinator to get back to you.
      Thanks for wanting to volunteer at the Farm,
      Lomavistafarm.org website coordinator

  2. Karen

    Hello! I was wondering if I could have my 14 y/o daughter volunteer for plant and animal care once a month on Saturdays. Thank you!

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Karen:
      I will be sending your request on to Farmer Rita. Have a great day.
      lomavistafarm.org coordinator

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Irina:
      I will contact Farmer Rita with the request for your daughter.
      Merry, lomavistafarm.org coordinator

  3. Michelle

    Hi! I am interested in having my 12yr. old volunteer (with me as a chaperone) with the animals once a week for the summer vacation, 06/05/23 – 06/30/23. Please let me know of any available time slots. We look forward to helping out and hearing from someone soon. Thank you!

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Michelle:
      Thanks for thinking of the Farm. I have contacted Farm staff to answer your question and they will get back to you shortly.
      Have a great day!
      Merry, website coordinator


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