Donate to the Farm
The Friends of Loma Vista Farm is a California nonprofit corporation, Tax ID #32-0109022, a privately funded, nonprofit fund-raising organization supporting this educational Farm. Loma Vista Farm is supported 100% by the nonprofit Friends of Loma Vista Farm. Without private funding the Farm could not continue to operate. Friends of Loma Vista Farm is a nonprofit 501c3 entity, and your donations are tax-deductible; please consult your tax adviser. Friends of Loma Vista Farm issues necessary documents for use in recognition of all donations.
Use this “Donate” button to make a donation to the Farm or to purchase event tickets. When purchasing event tickets, please be sure to send an email to Loma Vista Farm saying which event tickets you are purchasing and how many. Emails can be sent to the farm by using the “Email Loma Vista Farm” button on the home page of the Farm’s web site. Loma Vista Farm can continue to educate the children only with the support of generous people who believe in the importance of teaching ecoliteracy.
For more information, contact us.
How do I make a donation in honor of someone who has passed away?
Thanks Gail for contacting the farm regarding a donation in honor of someone who has passed away. I have sent your question on to several members of the flvf board. You will have someone reply to your question very shortly.
Thanks again for asking,
Website coordinator