Loma Vista Farm has six goats: Mabel, Ginger, Thunder, Lightning, Murray and Toni.
Lightning is a male, Nigerian goat, born 6-16-19
Thunder is a male Nigerian goat, born 7-16-19
Mabel is a female Pygmy mix goat, born 4.12.19. and
Ginger is a female Pygmy mix goat, born 4-12-19
Murray is a male Nigerian Dwarf goat, born 1/29/23
Toni is a male Nigerian Dwarf goat, born 2/13/23
Fun at the Vallejo Waterfront Festival.
Kay holding one of our cute baby goats.
Tennison loves our new goats.
The above article and photographs are from the Times-Herald, September 19, 2019. The article was written by Richard Freedman. The photographs are by Chris Riley. For the complete article, go to –Media News and Links on the Home Page of the website.