Loma Vista Farm has two Peacocks: Gorgeous George and Pearl
Gorgeous George is a peacock (male)
Pearl is a peahen (female)
They grace Loma Vista Farm with their beauty and brilliant color. They enjoy showing off their beautiful, colorful feathers. Peacocks spend time flying to the roofs of many of the Farm’s barns and trees.
The white peacock (technically peahen) used to live in Napa. She is blind in one eye and is about 10 years old. Her name is Pearl. The previous owner said her husband was very ill and she needed to spend more time caring for him. Although we rarely can accept a donation of an animal, we are happy to have Pearl live at the farm for the children to see this rare and beautiful bird.
Turkeys: This is Cody, the turkey.
Chickens and Roosters: Loma Vista Farm has 30 chickens that live at the Farm. There are a variety of types of chickens and a variety of colors. At any given time there is a mother hen roaming the Farm proudly with her baby chicks.
The chicks are a favorite of local elementary-school classes. Students hatch eggs from the Farm in class with incubators, and then the chicks return to the Farm to explore their new world.
Some of the above photos are by:
Sean Franzen Photography