__________ And the building goes up May 16, 2021 Thank you volunteers! What a Great Day! The pictures in this post are of the Union volunteers from Ironworkers Union Local 378, and Ironworkers Union Local 377 from Solano, Napa, and Contra Costa Counties who volunteered to build the alpaca/sheep barn for Loma Vista Farm.
Thank you again for ALL YOUR HARD WORK!
Follow the progress they made through the pictures below.
We appreciate all the hard work they did! Again, thank you so much.
The above photos are by Greg Cox and John Muras ___________ Preparing the Foundation 5/3/21 From Facebook “A massive amount of detailed work goes into preparing the foundation for the concrete to be poured. Today was a big step in the progress towards the new sheep and alpaca barn.”
Laying the Groundwork 4/27/21 From Facebook “Things are coming along with the new/alpaca/sheep barn. Here you can see today’s progress with the drainage pipe in the middle which will be the hallway with the four stalls outlined with forms. The area in the front will be feed storage areas. We’re getting there. So exciting!”
________________________ Alpaca and Sheep Barn 3/23/21-3/26/21 From Facebook
From Facebook, March 23-March 26
Last Day, 3/23/21 Facebook “Today is the last day that the sheep and alpacas will be living in these very old, worn out barns. Thanks to your very kind donations tomorrow the sheep and alpacas will go live with the goats and Lucy for a while while the old barns are torn down in preparation for the new one to go up. So Exciting!!!”
__________ Temporary Move, 3/24/21 Facebook “The sheep and alpacas are settling into their temporary home with the goats and Lucy. They say bonus points that the yards are full of grass to nibble on.”
________________ Demolition, 3/25/21 Facebook “It was so amazing to watch the barns that were at least 30 years old get torn down for a new, much better one to go up. Today was demolition day! So wonderful! Thank you to all the kind volunteers that helped today!”
_____________ Preparation for new Barn 3/26/21 From Facebook “The alpacas stopped on the way in from the pasture to look around their yard. They had a quizzical look on their face like they were thinking, “Wasn’t our house here just yesterday?” Indeed, it was. And soon a bigger and better one will be there for them.”
Don’t forget to go to facebook for more Loma Vista Farm updates!
Finished Retaining Wall, 12.18.20 From Facebook Retaining wall, 12.18.20, “The goats and Lucy are so loving their new yard, which is all fixed up with retaining walls. They love spending long days everyday hanging out with each other and lounging on the sun-warmed bricks.”
Entrance to the horse pen 12.11.20 Facebook-Entrance to the horse pen 12.11.20 From John Muras on Facebook, “As one major project is finishing up at the farm, Loma Vista Farm, Vallejo, we are quickly starting the next big project. Another project on the list of projects which give us a major improvement in the farm’s infrastructure. We are improving the entrance to the horse pen. This will allow volunteers to easily get a wagon or cart in and out of the horse pen easily when cleaning the pen. Also, we are improving the entrance to the large horse barn so that you can get a wagon or cart with 50 pound bags of horse food up there and have a platform to rest on. Check here garage door opener repair cost. Funding for both of these projects at the horse barn and pen were donated by a supporter who observed volunteers working in both spaces and started talking with them. He just decided it should be easier on volunteers giving to and supporting the farm.
Retaining Wall, 12.12.20 Facebook-Retaining Wall 12.12.20 From John Muras, “The retaining wall is looking great! Your donation dollars at work! No only do the goats get a great area, the erosion is stopped. It was so needed.”
Facebook, 12.11.20-“The new terraced retaining wall project in the goat yard is looking great. No more eroding hillside and the goats are going to love jumping from one level to the next.” _____________________________________
Sidewalks 7.14.2020
From Facebook 7.14.20, “Today the 2nd half of the sidewalk project got completed. The first picture show how bad the condition was of some of the old sidewalks. What an amazing positive difference!”
From Facebook, 7.14.20
From Facebook, 7.14.20
From Facebook, 7.14.20
From Facebook, 7.14.20 ____________________________________
Sidewalks, 7.7.20
From Facebook 7.7.20, “This is the sidewalk from the walk in gate to the greenhouse. It’s looking really good.”
Electricity, 6.25.20
From Facebook, 6.25.20, “Above our sweet old girl, Dede, you can see our newly installed electricity that gives the security of lights and the comfort of fans. Thank you, community, for making this happen.”
More new sidewalks, June 2020
From Facebook, “While the Farm is closed we’ve been hard at work removing old crumbling sidewalks, which will be replaced with brand new Ten Key Remodels wheelchair accessible sidewalks. We are grateful to the community for your support in making these crucial improvements so everyone has access to all areas of the farm.” ____________________________________
New Fences, Sept. 2019
From Loma Vista Farm’s facebook page, August 14 “Thanks to the support of the community, we have beautiful new fences going in right now around the perimeter of the Farm.”
New Sidewalks, Sept. 2018
The new sidewalks are going in. This will upgrade the connectivity paths around the farm allowing for the first time, ADA compatibility of the lower side of the farm to the upper side of the farm. This is a part of the goat barn installation which trigger sidewalk upgrades between the greenhouse, large animal pens, new goat barn, and all the way down to the classroom. Very exciting stuff.
New Goat Barn, July 2018
Thanks to the many volunteer hours and generous donations, the new goat barn is a source of pride at Loma Vista Farm.
The goat area looked just like this a few months ago.
As you view the photos below, (photos thanks to Connie Klimisch) you’ll see why the goats are looking forward to their new home.
Volunteers graded the new area and poured cement for the floor.
The barn arrived in pieces. The building began.
The walls and then the individual stalls were raised.
As work continued on the barn, grading began for the new sidewalks.
The workers began laying the cement to redo the sidewalk by the Greenhouse, and a new sidewalk was poured to connect the Greenhouse to the new goat area.
The barn was almost finished!
COMPLETED! Here is the new goat barn ready for goats and visitors to admire. If you haven’t seen the new goat barn, come on out and look around!