Rita's Monthly Gardening Tips, June 4, 2013
In the informational world how do we know how to separate fact from fallacy, the wheat from the chaff? How do we take old wives’ tales with a grain of salt? How do we practice a healthy dose of caveat emptor when being presented with miraculous claims by a snake oil salesman?
The answer is to arm yourself with factual knowledge. Knowing what products and practices are truly beneficial will save you money and help to increase your success in gardening. The links below will lead you to research-based evidence by experts in the horticulture field. Under each link there is a list of the myths that are discussed so you can look at all of them or pick and choose ones that you want to know more about.
- http://redwoodbarn.com/DE_gardenmyths.html
- Vitamin B-1
- Soil Amendments
- Summer Planting
- http://www.coopext.colostate.edu/4DMG/Garden/beware.htm
- Vitamin B-1
- Sulfur
- Soil Amendments
- Wound Dressings
- Day Watering
- http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~Linda Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/index.html
- Fertilizers
- How Plants Work
- Maintaining Trees and Shrubs
- Mulches
- Pesticides
- Planting Techniques
- Scientific Literacy
- Soil Amendments
- garden-myths.aspx” target=”_blank”>http://www.finegardening.com/plants/articles/demystifying- garden-myths.aspx
- Feeding a Stressed Plant
- Wound Dressings Organic vs. Synthetic Pesticides
- Staking Trees
- Day Watering Soil Amendments
- Amounts of Fertilizers and Pesticides
- Hole Size for Tree or Shrub
- Watering Drought-Tolerant Plants
- http://gardeningmyths.com/2011/04/gardening-myth-5/
- Roots Searching for Water
- X Pollination of Lemons and Oranges
- Tree Pruning and Planting
- Soil Amendments
- Adding Lime
- Day Watering
- Wound Dressings
- Chemical Fertilizers vs. Earthworms
- Vitamin B-1
- Clay Soils vs. Sandy Soils
- Insecticides vs. Aphids
- Tilling vs. No Tilling
- Phosphorus
Happy gardening!
Check back next month for the July Gardening Tip!