Farm blog

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17 questions on “Farm blog

  1. Carmen Arnold

    Good morning. I wanted to reach out and see if you take farm animals as a donation. I have a beautiful Giant buff brahma rooster. My son has raised him from a chick. I would love it if you could give him a forever home. I will donate 4 50 lb bags of food with him. Please let me know if this is possible. I thing he would be an amazing addition to Loma vista farm. We would like to keep him until after the new year. 707/655-8011.

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Carmen:
      Thank you for thinking of the Farm. I will send your message on to Farmer Rita and she will get back to you shortly.
      Merry, coordinator

  2. Gina Medeiros

    Are you still taking pumpkins? I have a few that are intact and untreated. Please let me know and I will drop them off.

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Jae:
      I will have Farmer Rita contact you shortly regarding your question about bunnies.
      Thanks for asking,
      Merry, site coordinator

    1. Rita

      Hi Catherine,

      You are welcome to drop them off during open hours. You can park next to the gate on Olympic Street and put the pumpkins next to the office door on the ground. Thank you!

  3. Stacy Ono

    I have some pumpkins all in really good shape do any of your animals enjoy them?
    I’would be happy to deliver
    Just let me know
    Call or text

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Ken:
      I’ll contact the Farm’s coordinator for the event and have her answer your question.

  4. Carol Kociolek

    How can I set up a tour with my 5 yo grandson? I would like to give him this as a birthday gift.

  5. Kimberly DeBra

    Hi, my name is Kimberly DeBra. I am the Chief Communications Officer for First Northern Bank, headquartered in Dixon. I am curious to learn what Loma Vista Farms grows on its farm. Are all of the plants in the photo of the greenhouse sale (on your website) grown on property? Do you grow the pumpkins that are sold in the fall? First Northern Bank is especially interested in helping small producing farms.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    All my best, Kim

    1. merry Post author

      Hi Kim:
      Thank you for asking about the Farm. I have contacted the Farm board and a representative will get back to you very shortly.


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