
The Master Plan is a comprehensive plan to modernize the infrastructure of Loma Vista Farm.   The Farm was built in 1974 with limited funding by the Vallejo City Unified School District. The original structures served the mission of the Farm well through the years with limited improvements and add-ons. Up to now, the Farm’s improvements were limited to the minimum of what was needed to ensure the lowest cost so that budgets could be stretched as far as possible.

The Master Plan project has been in the planning stages for over two years. The Friends of Loma Vista Farm Board has been defining and reviewing the Farm’s needs and goals, the current status of education, current trends for animal care in California, and current needs of the community and VCUSD. The Board’s conclusion is that a comprehensive plan to modernize, update, and upgrade the Farm itself is needed.   The goal of the Master Plan is to ensure that the Farm’s infrastructure can carry it into the future for at least the next 50 years.   This is a tricky and challenging goal when education, technology, and current trends in food choices are changing constantly.