Janice Sullivan, President
Janice began her teaching career at Loma Vista school when the Farm was just getting started and was very excited about the potential learning it would provide. While with the school district she taught 2nd, 3rd & 5th grades at Loma Vista, ran a motor development program, developed, managed, and taught in a district-wide physical education program, worked with beginning teachers, and was President of the teachers’ union. She knew when she retired that she wanted to be a part of the Friends of Loma Vista Farm – so she did! She was recently elected president of the board and manages the summer camp program, as well as helps out with grant writing and events. She is an avid knitter, has traveled the world, and loves to read, swim, and go to the theater.
Sandra Choyce, Vice President
Sandra was raised in Berkeley. After completing her education, she went to work for the federal government as a federal bank regulator. She expanded her knowledge as a regulator and earned credentials to become a certified information systems auditor. Sandra moved to Vallejo in 1985 and some years later she moved her parents to Vallejo. The home she found for her parents was within walking distance of Loma Vista Farm. And it was through her late mother that Sandra learned about and fell in love with Loma Vista Farm. To honor her mother’s memory and to support the Farm’s mission, Sandra became the volunteer coordinator and database manager for the Farm. In 2022, she became a board member and, as of 2025, is the board vice president.
Connie Klimisch, Treasurer
Connie Klimisch was born and raised in Vallejo. She and her husband Dennis own Klimisch’s Collision Repair. She is a member of the Vallejo Rotary Club. She has been on the board of the Friends of Loma Vista Farm for 8 years. She has served as President and now is the current Treasurer.
Kristi Kendall
Kristi was born and raised in Fairfield. She attended SPSV in Vallejo for her high school years and went on to CSU Sacramento to pursue a degree in Kinesiology. She is part owner of the family business, Medic Ambulance Service, Inc., located in Vallejo since 1979. After graduating from CSU Sacramento, she came back to work for the family business and is now the VP of finance. Kristi became a board member for Loma Vista Farms in 2020. Kristi joined the board this year because her 2-year-old son visits the farm often with Nonna and loves to play with and learn about the animals. She felt that it would be a great way to give back to the wonderful community of Vallejo and help bring joy to more children about fresh fruits and vegetables and animal education. Kristi is a member of the Point West Rotary Club in Sacramento.
John Muras
John Muras is a native of Texas, who moved to California in 2000 to take a marketing position with Well Fargo Bank. A coworker from Wells Fargo who was volunteering at Loma Vista Farm convinced him to help with fundraising. Seeing the value and impact the farm has on the youth of the area, John was hooked. Loma Vista Farm was an ideal fit for John, who grew up on a small farm in South Central Texas. John holds an undergraduate in Horticulture from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, and an MBA with a concentration in MIS & Marketing from Texas A&M University. John has been volunteering at Loma Vista Farm for over 14 years and has held various positions on the Farm’s Board ranging from President to Vice-President. Currently, John is one of the leads on the Farm’s Master Plan project. John co-leads the annual Christmas Tree fundraiser sale, Loma Vista Farm’s Membership Program, and fundraising direct mail, and holds a rich history of the farm following key roles during the Farm’s growth into a stable and growing non-profit.
George Schandelmier Jr.
George Schandelmier, Jr. has been on the Board for the past five years and is on the Facilities Committee. George is a licensed Landscape design/build contractor in his 38th year of operation installing sustainable and water-wise gardens. He played D-1 basketball at Gonzaga University, graduated from Sonoma State University, and has degrees in Ornamental Horticulture and Sociology. He has volunteered with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts, 4-H Sherwood Forrest chapter, is a current member of the Valcore Board of Directors, and is a docent and trail crew volunteer for the Solano Land Trust at Lynch Canyon and Rockville Trails. George has served as a board member of the Carquinez Coalition, is a board member of the Fleetside Business Owners Association, and has been a member of the Sierra Club for 49 years. He is a Vallejo resident and loves hiking the trails of Glen Cove where he has resided for the past 31 years.
Arlene Hoffman
Arlene has been a part of the Loma Vista Farm since 1988. She started working with Special Needs children and adults at the Farm. She was the Special Projects Chair for seven years. With community and trade union assistance, Arlene helped raise funds to bill and erect the new Rabbit Habitat, the Storage building, the New Chicken Coops, the Pig House, and a new two-stall horse barn. Arlene helped to raise funds to purchase supplies while the Trade Unions supplied free labor. This enabled the farm to protect the animals and secure their safety. “Kids and Animals, it does not get any better than that.” Arlene also supplied and cooked food at the Farm Festivals for 8 years. She has been a Board Member since 2005.
Julia Allen, Past President
Julia joined the Board in 2013. She was first introduced to Loma Vista Farm years ago when she accompanied her son on a school field trip. Over the years, she visited the Farm on numerous occasions, frequently as a volunteer on clean-up days. She resides in Benicia and is a member of Benicia Business Works and is an Ambassador with the Benicia Chamber of Commerce. She is also on the Board of the Oral Lee Brown Foundation. Julia has always been interested in the well-being and education of children, especially the less fortunate. Julia was born in a rural community and appreciates the freshness and wholesomeness of freshly grown fruits, vegetables, and the richness of agriculture. Loma Vista Farm brings all these loves to one place. She graduated from The State University of New York Buffalo with a major in Economics and Business. She is the Owner/Agent of The Allen Insurance & Financial Services Agency in Benicia.
Jennifer Shinar
Jennifer joined the Friends of Loma Vista board in 2015. Born and raised in Vallejo, her love of the Farm came from attending summer camp programs as a student at Stefan Manor Elementary. After graduating from SPSV, she went on to get her Bachelor’s Degree from Cal State University Long Beach. In 2009, Jennifer relocated back to Vallejo with her husband, Kevin, and jumped at the chance to get involved with the farm. Currently, Jennifer is serving as the Events Chair and is responsible for helping plan events like the Annual Pasta Feed and Auction, and the Spring and Harvest Festivals.
Rita LeRoy has been called “Farmer Rita” by the children since August 1990. As the farm keeper, her job is to teach students about nature, nutrition, gardening, and animals. Her background includes a Certificate in Forest Technology, a bachelor’s degree in Horticulture, and a master’s degree in Environmental Education Curriculum, where she wrote her master’s thesis on connecting school gardens to the standard-based school curriculum. She was a 4-H leader for 25 years and has been teaching composting workshops around the county for 22 years. If she’s not at the farm, she’s out in the field studying native flora and fauna and then brings back this information and enthusiasm to share with the children the interconnection of all life.
Lynn Barranco – Bibb, Principal, Loma Vista Farm Environmental Sciences Academy
Birgit Rickert